
Driving down a major highway, during stop and go (long weekend) traffic. It’s brutal. As we’re puttering along (in the far left lane), we see this asshole in an SUV (AinSUV) tailing another car and the driver is yelling and honking (for no apparent reason). The only thing we figure he’s pissed about is that the guy has left a reasonable (for this kind of traffic) space between him and the next car. I don’t know why AinSUV thinks his drive is going to be 10x faster if the guy moves up a couple meters – but this small gap is enraging him. We watch in disbelief and end up passing them. Then. The AinSUV ends up behind us. We know he’s going to be a douche, so we move over a lane. He follows us – and ends up berating us in the same way. Tailing us (like the closest I’ve ever been tailed), yelling and honking at us. Honestly – I live in a major metropolitan area, and I’ve never seen such aggressive behavior on the road. Anyway – eventually this guy passes us. But what moron, AinSUV failed to think of, was that he was driving a COMPANY CAR, with full name and website. Obviously, I took a couple pictures of the license plate and the company info and emailed them to complain about AinSUV; you know, “I would want to know if I were in your position; this is how your brand is getting represented, blah blah”. The company owner emailed me back, apologizing for AinSUV and told me it would be ‘dealt’ with. I don’t know if he was fired, but in my petty revenge fantasy, he certainly was.

Any Revenge Fits, As Long As You’re Fine With It