
This Woman Makes Prosthetic Pinkies for Ex-Yakuza Members

Yubitsume, also referred to as “yubi o tobasu” (meaning “finger flying”), is a ritual from yakuza tradition that is performed when grovelling in apology just isn’t enough. If a yakuza were to dishonor himself or his superiors, he is required to cut off the tip of his left pinky finger and offer it up as an apology to the offended party. And if a yakuza continues to screw up, it might not stop at one pinky tip, continuing in losing more joints and more fingers.Yubitsume usually involves a specific ritual. The offending yakuza spreads out a clean cloth and lays his hand palm-down on it. With a short sharp knife (often a tanto), he then cuts off his pinky tip at the first knuckle. The knuckle is then wrapped in the cloth like a nice “package” and delivered to his superior.

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