I have not been to every barn in the world, but I know that there are a lot of farm animals who live a better life than those in these photos. Large countries with industrial farm production is the ones with the nastiest conditions for farm animals. But why is it so? Because people want super cheap food, and industrial farming is the most cost effective. Only rules and regulations can change this, but that will give more expensive food.
Usually just within hours of birth, calves are taken away from their mothers. Calves can become so distressed from separation that they become sick, lose weight from not eating, and cry so much that their throats become raw.
I have not been to every barn in the world, but I know that there are a lot of farm animals who live a better life than those in these photos. Large countries with industrial farm production is the ones with the nastiest conditions for farm animals. But why is it so? Because people want super cheap food, and industrial farming is the most cost effective. Only rules and regulations can change this, but that will give more expensive food.