These tiny tents give you a chance to touch them before you buy them:
The ceiling of the Lego Store is the bottom of a Lego piece.
A cart at a Walmart in Canada with a built-in “store GPS”
Bubblegum with teeth
These lights let you know if there’s an empty parking spot:
A toothbrush which lets you squeeze every last bit of the toothpaste
This is so genius and simple:
This is the best commercial for tools:
This bag of chips has 2 openings so you can open it more the further down you eat:
This always works:
How can you not want this pizza?
We really want to visit this barbershop.
Coffee table with an in-built fridge
This toilet makes sure you have a sanitary seat every time:
This cunning bartender wins anyway:
This is the best cap for a juice box:
A letter that loads like Windows
Magnetic cookie dunker
He is advertising himself.
Designers can be really funny guys.
An advertisement of a website where you can find a job
Wine and a bouquet of tulips all-in-one
A fish-shaped teabag
Brilliant Stranger Things ad
A large rest stop advertisement at the entrance to a tunnel
A great 3D print
You can actually touch the jeans!