
"Vanilla Ice. He was doing one of those '90s Nostalgia' college campus tours in the UK back in 2005/6 and being a genuine fan of his, I went along to the show in Glasgow. The show itself was great, he played a lot of his harder and heavier material that I'm a fan of but 99% of the crowd just wanted to hear Ice Ice Baby. When he eventually played it at the end, it was the updated, modernised version of it...the crowd didn't seem that taken by it. After the show he was signing stuff. Mostly just flyers or people's bodies etc. I gave him my copy of his Hard To Swallow CD which caused him to double take. I told him I'm a big fan of his rap-metal material and he reacted with genuine happiness. He told the bouncer to let me and my girlfriend into his VIP spot and told us we could drink what we wanted while he finished signing stuff. He joined us some time later and I spent the night partying away with him and hearing lots of stories, some funny, some pretty messed up about the record industry. Then we went to a nearby Casino where he proceeded to happily drop hundreds onto the roulette table. An experience I'll never forget, he was very humble and we genuinely enjoyed each other's company. The guy knows the world views him as a parody, and he made peace with it. He released the rap-metal albums knowing they weren't going to go far, but done it for himself and regrets nothing."

Some Celebs Are Actually Pretty Nice People