
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, or the Causeway, is considered to be the longest bridge in the United States and the longest bridge in the world over water (continuous). It consists of two parallel bridges crossing Lake Pontchartrain in southern Louisiana, United States. The longer of the two bridges is 23.83 miles (38.35 km) long. There was some controversy with Guinness over the title of the longest bridge over water. For over 10 years, Lake Pontchartrain Causeway was listed in the book for being the longest bridge over water. However, in 2011, Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in China was given the title of the longest bridge over water. Many Lake Pontchartrain record holders in the U.S. disputed this with Guinness stating that the causeway ran for 23.79 miles over water; therefore, it was the longest. Guinness ended the controversy by creating two categories, one for the longest bridge (continuous), which was given to Lake Pontchartrain, and longest bridge (aggregate), which was given to Jiazhou.


Here Are The Longest Bridges On Planet Earth
