Back 5 year s ago

good green
Deanne 1 year ago
Beautiful bridges and interesting information, thank you!
But the essential point is missing: the Names of their creators, the Architects who envisioned and brought to light these magnificent works! It's not like these appeared out of nowhere!
Their merits have to be recognized every time people see their creations.
Like when you see the Mona Lisa and immediately Leonardo's name comes to mind...

Rialto Bridge, Italy

Built in the 15th century and rich in history, it crosses over the Grand Canals of Venice. It was technically built before that, in 1181, as a small barge that served as the only crossing to get to the other side of the Grand Canal. In 1551, authorities asked for the bridge to be upgraded. Some of the best architects in history, including Michelangelo and Palladio, offered plans to redesign the bridge but the honor eventually went to Antonio da Ponte. Skeptical of his plans, architects predicted the failure of the bridge, but he defied them. The classic Venetian architecture adds to its appeal, and until the nineteenth century, Rialto Bridge was still the only bridge to span the Grand Canal and the only link between the two sides of Venice until more modern day bridges were built.


These Unique Bridges Are Definitely Worth Visiting
