Driver 5 year s ago
#42 - At the exact point where the penny is touching the glass, half of the weight of the forks is on one side, and half of the weight is on the other. You can do the same trick with a pencil. Put your right index finger under one side of the pencil and put your left index finger under the other side of the pencil, so that the pencil is just sitting on your two fingers. Now slowly bring your fingers together. The pencil will be balanced almost perfectly with half of its weight on one side of your fingers and the other half on the other side.

That's in both directions, BTW. If you draw a line through the point where the penny is touching the glass, half of the weight is on one side and half is on the other. If you draw a line through that point, that is exactly perpendicular to the first line, you will once again have half of the weight of the forks on one side and half on the other.

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