Yeah, so sweet. Close an animal for 10 hours a day alone in a house with a 1-2 hour walks outside so it goes out of its mind when you come back. Yeah you can use it as an emotional support. Then when it becomes a burden go kill it. Then go boast how you love animals. Guard dog? No, prisoner dog.
Well, not exactly steak… My Mom and Dad didn’t think I could handle steak anymore (I think they were right, boo). Instead I got the next best thing: beef baby food. It was perfect, and my Mommy even hand fed it to me.
Yeah, so sweet. Close an animal for 10 hours a day alone in a house with a 1-2 hour walks outside so it goes out of its mind when you come back. Yeah you can use it as an emotional support. Then when it becomes a burden go kill it. Then go boast how you love animals. Guard dog? No, prisoner dog.