House 5 year s ago
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha JC-LOL
Jump 5 year s ago
...but Black Widow has the loosest p@#$$%y...
Female 5 year s ago
If you were not so into your SJW b@#$$%p here and knew anything about this topic, you would know there is NO question at all that Thor is number 1..Nobody with the slightest knowledge on the subject argues that fact.


Abilities: Clint Barton doesn't have any powers. He's an expert marksman who uses specialized arrows that burn and explode, among other things. In the years between "Infinity War" and "Endgame," he became Ronin, a skilled assassin with a samurai sword.

Power scale: 5.5. Hawkeye's abilities may seem inadequate in the face of the Avengers' enemies — something he himself poked fun at in "Age of Ultron" — but there's a reason he's still alive. As we saw in "Endgame," he can cut down huge groups of enemies single-handedly and, aided by the mastery of his fancy arrows, hold off swarming hoards of aliens.

The fact that Hawkeye can operate on an even playing field with superhuman warriors like Valkyrie and Nebula, without any powers at all, moves him up on our point scale.


So, Who Is The Most Powerful Avenger?
