House 5 year s ago
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha JC-LOL
Jump 5 year s ago
...but Black Widow has the loosest p@#$$%y...
Female 5 year s ago
If you were not so into your SJW b@#$$%p here and knew anything about this topic, you would know there is NO question at all that Thor is number 1..Nobody with the slightest knowledge on the subject argues that fact.

Captain America

Abilities: After enlisting to fight in World War II, Steve Rogers was chosen for Project Rebirth and injected with the Super Soldier Serum. It gave him an ideal physical form, making Rogers indefinitely fitter, stronger, and more durable than any other human being. He has enhanced senses and his body heals itself ridiculously quickly.

Captain America typically wields a shield made of Vibranium, though we've seen him easily master every other weapon he's laid his hands on — including Thor's hammer Mjølnir. He's the only known human being who's been able to lift it, since according to Thor, it would cause any other person's body and mind to collapse simultaneously.

Power scale: 9.5. Captain America was in a position to kill Iron Man in "Civil War," which puts him higher on our ranking. He has consistently defeated opponents with flashier powers and is probably unbeatable in close hand-to-hand combat (barring an opponent with powers like Thor's or Captain Marvel's). Plus, as we know from his famous catchphrase, his sheer will and determination make him an invaluable Avenger. He literally never gives up.


So, Who Is The Most Powerful Avenger?
