#12 Try living in a middle apartment in a complex with a bunch of s@#$$%y kids running around all the time where management doesn't give a rats @ss about anything but raising rates & the water potability is questionable. Trust me a tiny @ss "yard" does not compare to the peace & tranquility of a country house in any timeline or reality. That is some fuzzy socialist wanna be type thinking right there~
@Driving: Having lived in apartments and housing complexes amongst a lot of kids, I can attest that the only "s@#$$%y" people were the people like you who chose to live in a shared place where yeah, kids also reside, are people like YOU. You, the renter who thinks because you pay rent everything should be run YOUR way when obviously everything about an apartment complex was accepted by YOU when you signed your lease. If YOU are disgruntled? Move. The people in this picture have made a garden sans any HOA or "fuzzy socialist wannabe type thinking". They've made a garden. If you're so bitter? Make your place better yourself. Practice what you preach.
#12 Try living in a middle apartment in a complex with a bunch of s@#$$%y kids running around all the time where management doesn't give a rats @ss about anything but raising rates & the water potability is questionable. Trust me a tiny @ss "yard" does not compare to the peace & tranquility of a country house in any timeline or reality. That is some fuzzy socialist wanna be type thinking right there~
@Driving: Having lived in apartments and housing complexes amongst a lot of kids, I can attest that the only "s@#$$%y" people were the people like you who chose to live in a shared place where yeah, kids also reside, are people like YOU. You, the renter who thinks because you pay rent everything should be run YOUR way when obviously everything about an apartment complex was accepted by YOU when you signed your lease. If YOU are disgruntled? Move. The people in this picture have made a garden sans any HOA or "fuzzy socialist wannabe type thinking". They've made a garden. If you're so bitter? Make your place better yourself. Practice what you preach.