Rush 5 year s ago
As this post illustrates and as a gay man once wisely pointed out to me "Why do you want to go out with women? They never know what they want" JC-LOL
Back 5 year s ago
So much self betrayal, denial of root urges, logic inconsistencies and conflict of say to act.That is the outcome of 'what men should know'.

Very feminine though.
Tymusz 5 year s ago
#6 goddammit, i cannot read your mind. i dunno what you want done. just tell me, and don't remind me every 6 months.
Tourist 5 year s ago
#1 if women started buying clothes for functionality 1st instead of how they felt about them, you'd have more
#2 most men would love unsolicited vagina pics, so most just assume the reverse applies
#3 and remember ladies, so can men
#4 yea, let’s just ignore that for a guy who cares seeing his partner hurt or upset makes him feel like trash and automatically responsible for the issue or at the very least with fixing it, it’s almost like seeing you hurting is hurting them too, but fuck em, they're idiots for trying
#5 ...no way! Really?? who would have thought it ... sm_80
#6 Or... how about you just do it yourself then, that's what a man would do
#7 ...why would you want men to know that?... congratulations?
#8 This is actually very good and insightful
#9 until you do wear it for exactly that...
#10 some men are just bitch made, don't take their responses personally either
#11 again... no way! Really?? Women can have interest???
#12 another nice informative one, just be sure to make this abundantly clear, most men are more than ready to help and be sympathetic but they don't experience periods so they will never know what it’s like for you if you don't clearly explain it to them
#13 okay some of this is factually not true, circumstantially true a best but hey you are right, Women are Humans good
#14 what kind of mongrel does that?
#15 aka 'i don't like to be factually proven wrong by a man'
Little 5 year s ago
#16 I agree, woman have an abundance of willing penis available to them, they don't need to have a 'need-to-have' mindset about it
#17 false
#18 the 'little things' you notice... and from whom you want them from... and how you want them...
#19 aka tactfully tell the truth, like as a complement
#20 men do listen and understand, that's how they are able to suggest a solution
#21 very true
#22 yes, and usually it’s very overhyped and overvalued and overpriced
#23 'things only women can do and not get rejected'
#24 well if you're an 8 stop dating 4s and expecting anything more than a 4
#25 what did that last sentence have to do with anything
#26 neat
#27 then why not just say instead of asking
#28 yes and red lights actually mean green in the traffic code, wait no it doesn't because that would be idiotic and very confusing
#29 ...when it’s convenient for them
#30 usually said by the women who are super easily offend and misunderstand most 'truths' directed at them because they take offence to it
#31 no just irrational
#32 hmm maybe
#33 cool
#34 true, same as how looks matter a lot more than people want to accept

That was fun tongue
Concern 5 year s ago
Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me, I am single all my life and when the urge develop I just go to a hooker. Then I read posts like these and I think to myself "I am good, I am doing great, no time for this BS" ...so...single it will remain. rofl
What Men Should Know About Women
