Experience 5 year s ago
@10 Yeah there's this idea called dignity. Guess it hasn't caught on everywhere.
Smarter 5 year s ago
So many of these pictures are copied from Reddit but without the descriptions that the original photos came with. It really takes away the experience when all that's seen is a paste in haste. For example, #15 - That gate door was all that was left after three tornadoes went through an entire neighborhood without leveling any of the homes; just the fence in one backyard while leaving the gate door.

Also, #23 - This guy explained that he took countless pictures of his wife on the same spot for their instagram account to which she also edited and photoshopped. But this shot of him was taken in one shot without any editing or photoshopping. That's hysterical!! So what we see here on Izi is a flairy guy on a beach, but the backstory is so much more entertaining!! Just saying.
Morning Picdump
