Limited 4 year s ago
Izismile you need to stop with this bull. This is the medical equivalent of anti-vax claims. Take it from someone for whom crippling insomnia runs in the family: if you have a real sleep disorder, this BS is like taking essential oils to stop Polio. You are a disgrace for posting this.
House 4 year s ago
Limited, I remember when you said this same thing months ago and I replied back to you about how sleep insomnia meditations without medications have been very beneficial for me. Now you're back at it again blaming Izismile for sharing information that you think is BS, when actually you're just pissed nothing works for you. This post is actually very educational and helpful to those like me and you who suffer from insomnia. I've found the meditation exercises that are mirrored here in this post extremely helpful. I'm highly allergic to a lot of medications so I seek out alternatives. That doesn't make me a goofball essential oils fanatic any more than it makes you a kind person. Stop insisting this site is all about you when you don't make any positive effort to make things better. All you do is complain. I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you're so sad and in pain. I'm sorry you're responsible alone for you pain. You're not a victim, you're the cause. And you're just wanting to spread your pain onto others. I'm not taking your pain. So stfu and deal with the fact that this is a free site. You're a disgrace for thinking it's yours alone.

Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whooshing sound, for 8 seconds (or counts)


Here’s the video where Dr. Weil showcases the technique


Of course, Tumblr users were amazed by such claims so they decided to try the technique themselves and report the results. While some had minimum impact, others claimed that it helped them fall asleep. There were also those who said that it helped them manage their anxiety and even one user who reported that she uses the technique to help her as an actress. Quite interesting experiences!

People Share A Breathing Exercise That Helps With Sleep Disorders (1 pic + 5 gifs + 1 video)