Just about every scientist in any biological or ecological field agrees global waming and climate change are real and have the proof to back it up. Besides that, only an idiot would think pumping massive amounts of cr*p in earth, sea, and air has no effect.
"Besides that, only an idiot would think pumping massive amounts of crap in earth, sea, and air has no effect."
- it's inevitable that someone from the left just HAS to spread hate and call someone a name, just because the person disagrees with them. They do that to trigger the opposition, to try to get them to think less clearly. It's a tactic, nothing more. Too bad it's so effective. Welcome to our country, 2019. Civil debate and the respected exchanged of viewpoints are dead.
That the earth has warmed is not up for debate. That humans are causing the warming or can mitigate it, is. Funny thing: Michael Mann, the inventor of the “hockey stick” erased the Medieval Warm Period from the data set. Why?
The Cliamte Mongers can't come up with a logical plan...it took over 100 years to use cars, airplanes and plastics to the extent that we do know...so suddenly we have to stop...think how much YOUR life would change if just Plastic was taken away...ZERO Electrical things are made without plastic...there goes your Cell Phone, TV, Microwave, Toaster, Coffee Maker, Refrigerator...come up with solutions. Not one Climate Monger can come up a WORKABLE solution...forcing people to stop using Cars or Gasoline in a few years will cripple the World, most people live too far away from their job to even ride a bike to work.
Just about every scientist in any biological or ecological field agrees global waming and climate change are real and have the proof to back it up. Besides that, only an idiot would think pumping massive amounts of cr*p in earth, sea, and air has no effect.
"Besides that, only an idiot would think pumping massive amounts of crap in earth, sea, and air has no effect."
- it's inevitable that someone from the left just HAS to spread hate and call someone a name, just because the person disagrees with them. They do that to trigger the opposition, to try to get them to think less clearly. It's a tactic, nothing more. Too bad it's so effective. Welcome to our country, 2019. Civil debate and the respected exchanged of viewpoints are dead.
That the earth has warmed is not up for debate. That humans are causing the warming or can mitigate it, is. Funny thing: Michael Mann, the inventor of the “hockey stick” erased the Medieval Warm Period from the data set. Why?
The Cliamte Mongers can't come up with a logical plan...it took over 100 years to use cars, airplanes and plastics to the extent that we do know...so suddenly we have to stop...think how much YOUR life would change if just Plastic was taken away...ZERO Electrical things are made without plastic...there goes your Cell Phone, TV, Microwave, Toaster, Coffee Maker, Refrigerator...come up with solutions. Not one Climate Monger can come up a WORKABLE solution...forcing people to stop using Cars or Gasoline in a few years will cripple the World, most people live too far away from their job to even ride a bike to work.
- it's inevitable that someone from the left just HAS to spread hate and call someone a name, just because the person disagrees with them. They do that to trigger the opposition, to try to get them to think less clearly. It's a tactic, nothing more. Too bad it's so effective. Welcome to our country, 2019. Civil debate and the respected exchanged of viewpoints are dead.
#36.. you would think a guy who could afford a Porsche could afford a garage for it?
Of course we HAVE to call you by names...how esle can we teach you idiots?