Obstacles 5 year s ago
#44 Yes, their boots are f*cking stupid, but why is he wearing a skirt?
Legs 5 year s ago
Girl with the hair in the radiator. Great way to set your head of fire. People are really dumb.
Million 5 year s ago
@Obstacles - the boots and outfits, and the dances they do are all in fun. It's something which originated in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi with the arrival of Trance music, and the hybridization of electronica and more established musical styles, both traditional and more modern. They're worn in fun; they're not supposed to be taken seriously. It would be like 50s teens wearing the huge Pompadours or Hip Hop artists wearing, well, a lot of what they wear. It's all in fun.

@Legs - First, it takes temperatures of around 450ºF to even begin to burn hair. I'm not sure if commercial heaters go that high. Even if they do, she would smell it well before it ignited.

Second, her bare skin is also on the radiator. She would feel that a long, long time before it got hot enough to burn her hair.

Third, for all you know, she could have it set to low. That would be my guess. Otherwise, she could not be leaning on it with the bare skin.
Action 5 year s ago
#19. Why is snow and freezing rated as 21 degrees ?
Freezing point is 0 degrees, boiling is 100, and its nearly 2020 and the USA is still doing sh#t the old way.
Pick it the f@#k up, USA.

#30. How hard would it have been to recess the top nuts ?

Obstacles ---Does the asterisk stand for U, as in f@#king ?
Do you not have the balls to write the word, even as you make us say it in our heads ?
Photo 5 year s ago
errr... TurTruckin????
Intact 5 year s ago
That post reads 80°F(Fahrenheit for idiots) which means +26°C (Celsius for idiots). 21°F equals -6°C. So here you are you idiot.
Creative 5 year s ago
@ Action ... This website runs a script that detects bad language and will add characters to censor the profanity and it's done automatically. Most of the time it works... sometimes it doesn't.

If you ask me censorship should be eliminated worldwide. The percentage of people who are deeply disturbed by it is most likely 2% of the population. We all know what is said or written even if it's censored. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

#97 ... To clarify this...follow this image link for a clearer view (https://www.messier-objects.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Orion-Nebula-locatio
n.jpg )
Member 5 year s ago
#55 y tho?
Daily Picdump
