Little 5 year s ago
#14 I'm an old fashioned traveler, meaning I still put on a (comfortable) coat and tie when I get on a plane. Crazy, I know; but it makes me feel better. Anyway, given the animals who travel on planes these days, I'd have to consider that guy on the low end of discourteous because his feet are covered, and not on someone else's seat or armrest, and he's not in anyone's way. Even I would give him the benefit of the doubt and consider that maybe he's been traveling for 24 or more hours and is exhausted, or otherwise unwell. If there's a backstory to that particular foto, I of course don't know it.

#29 I love me some Tupac, but that's a little too much love for me.
Jump 5 year s ago
#14 seems smart for getting good rest. Isn't intruding on someone else's space and I am more jealous than thinking they are rude. What is the deal with all of the pets on planes lately. Leave your pets at home people.
Carwash 5 year s ago
#14 I don't see anything wrong. It's actually brilliant.
Mushroom 5 year s ago
About the ad.. Before/After my a$$.
It is After/Before.
Or Photoshop.
I swear, I'm not a robot.
Morning Picdump
