Check 5 year s ago
#11 There's no forbidden fruit at all because there was no Eden or Adam or Eve you creationist morons.
Domestic 5 year s ago
This tread is full of BS.
Mission 5 year s ago
Actually these are all mostly correct.

And regardless of the other commenter's religious beliefs, the bible doesn't mention an apple. You don't need to believe the stories to analyze them like any other fiction.
Female 5 year s ago
Jesus was not born on December 25 because he doesn't and never existed in the first place.
Gun 5 year s ago
1, stop sprouting government bs. There is a vaccine court for claims for side effects and damages. Autism is on a spectacular rise ever since the vacc cocktails
Because 5 year s ago
Cell phones, computers and electric cars are also on a spectacular rise ever since the vaccine cocktails. That must mean that vaccines cause technology!
Hybrid 5 year s ago
Female: The man Jesus did exist. It's in the historical record, as is Pilate, Herod, and other historical figures of the time. Don't let your hatred of religion cloud your intelligence. It's a bad look.

Gun: There is a direct correlation between the rises in stork populations and number of births in Germany. Therefore (according to your logic), storks bring babies.
Fishermen 5 year s ago
Keep vaccinating little sheep. Your masters love you heart

The Redhead Gene Is Not Becoming Extinct Due To The Gene For Red Hair Being Recessive, Nor Will The Gene For Blond Hair Disappear

Although redheads and blonds may become more rare, they will not die out unless everyone who carries those genes (strictly speaking, alleles) dies or fails to reproduce.


Most Of These Common Beliefs Are Just Misconceptions
