Jelyyfish 5 year s ago
#3 Where I'm from, we call sprinkles 'jimmies'. Given that it's a form of my actual name, it makes for great fun when I cook for my girlfriend. In our less adult moments, of course.

#9 Ok well then I guess I'm a monster.

re: choccy milk: I have read recently that some frightening number of Yanks believe choccy milk comes from brown cows. Like in the teens of percent. I didn't check the sources, but given some of the stupidity we've all seen in our brethren in just the last, say, 3 years or so, I could believe it.

Oh yeah, and vegemite. I think there's a 12-Step group for that now. Just saying.

#42 Does this site censor you guys when you use the word 'c*nt', cuz here, it's a cussword. Nasty cussword. If you happen to find yourself in the good ol' US of A, don't accidentally use that word on some random c*nt you meet, or they kist might pull a sjw all over your *ss.

#82 Good grammar I'm jus sayin.
Complete 5 year s ago
c#nt c#nt c#nt c#nt c#nty c#nt c#nt c#nt
Aussie Food Memes Are Somewhat Special, Too
