For a long time I thought “to bust a nut” meant that you were going to kick a guy in the balls or beat him up. So anytime I was getting worked up or angry talking about some guy I would say ” I’m going to bust his f@#king nut” not knowing the real meaning. Nobody ever said anything but it was always followed by my friends laughing so I assumed it was because I was being dramatic.
Years go by and my coworker is telling me about some rude person he met and I said “you should definitely bust that guy’s nut”, to which he paused and said “do you even know what that means?” Suffice it to say I was extremely embarrassed and horrified when he explained it to me.
Ok, everyone has a few of these. However...
#12 Are there really people who need a freakin electronic device to tell you when they've brushed your freakin teeth long enough???????? How fn stupid have people become? What if you accidentally (no pun intended) brush one side a little longer than usual, and it cuts off? Do you just leave the other side unbrushed? Do you assume that because the brush turned off, that you're good no matter what? How can you be so out of touch with your own body? It's your fn mouth, and you can't tell if you've bushed all your teeth enough. smh. ...It's like the vapes which supposedly tell you when you've taken a full breath. REALLY???????? Wtf. You don't know when you've taken a full breath?! I dunno; maybe you've taken a full breath when you can't take in anymore air????? Call me crazy, but that would be a sign I could understand.
oK mIlLiE.