
2018 “The West Texans” – We thought we would try to capitalize on the girls’ cuteness this year and leave most of the “awkwardness” to the adults (big thanks to Dione Cherie for doing the girls’ make-up.) When we went into the JC Penney Portrait Studio, Gigi was quick to let the staff know that we are famous. Laura then told Gigi that, “You’re not famous if you have to tell people that you are famous.” I can say from experience that the whole “Don’t you know who I am?” approach is pretty much useless if you’re looking for any free perks or special treatment, but it is almost certain to make you come off as a douche! Anyway, after we did our various poses and finished the photo shoot, I showed the staff our catalog of cards on my phone and, sure enough, one of them said with a smile, “Oh yeah, I’ve seen these before!” So, Gigi was right; we are famous…it’s just that nobody knows what any of us looks like, since we’re pretending to be different people in all of our cards. So, it seems that we Bergerons have our own unique brand of fame – to be seen by many, yet recognizable to no one!


This Family Is The Best At Worst Holiday Cards!