Emailed 4 year s ago
another reason i cant wait for real life sex robots. then again, they'll probably reject me too.
Push 4 year s ago
@ Emailed, just because one girl is like this, that doesn't mean all or most are like this. There are lots of guys that are bastards too, doesn't mean all of them are either. Most people will reject most people as for a relationship. Most people don't find the one for them on the first date. Just keep meeting people. And be interesting and a good person.
Time 4 year s ago
Momma says girls are the devil...
Kitten 4 year s ago
I never understood those rules you have in America. The 50s are over, guys
Funny 4 year s ago
Hypergamy is the problem.
salamoon 4 year s ago
"Candice Jalili, the Senior Sex + Dating Writer at Elite Daily" is clearly not for a gender equality in this field....right?

btw i would have done the same thing after discovery the facts, good for him.

“I liked this girl mainly because she was sarcastic and beautiful, two things I look for a lot in dating,” redberryberry told. “She seemed really interesting and I wanted to get to know her more so that’s when we exchanged numbers and socials.”

Their dates would always be restaurants or places that sold food and stuff like that. “I tried to recommend other things like taking a walk or just coffee or something, but it would always be met with an excuse as to why she couldn’t or she would just say she didn’t feel up to it. But whenever it was a nice place or something she would be more than eager.”

Reflecting on their conversations, the guy thinks most of the trickery was over text. “She would often say she likes me a lot and can’t wait to see me and things like that, but when we were actually together she seemed disinterested and withdrawn,” he explained. “This would make me self conscious, and she would assure me over text (lying) that there was something between us.”

“Even though I could tell she seemed uninterested, I was blinded by lust admittedly and the texts she would send me, so I would always end up seeing her again just to repeat the cycle. Some of it was definitely my fault for being stupid and keep letting her drag me on.”

After all the texts after their date that he walked out on, he sent her the screenshot and everything and how he found out she was using him. He then told her to fuck off. She blocked him and they haven’t talked ever since.


Guy Finds Out His Girl Only Needs Him For Free Meals…