Pretty 4 year s ago
There is a strong parallel with how the US media portrays the Trump Administration. Fortunately all but the most radicalized are now aware.
Predator 4 year s ago
Yeah Fox News and such treat Trump horribly. Never mind the fact that he is a lying sack of sh#t though. Retard.

Only a completely brainwashed moron would think Trump was mistreated by the media. I truly pity you.
Devoted 4 year s ago
Yeah i dont think the trump comment specified which way the media was leaning.
It pretty obvious from your interpretation though how you feel about it. girl_cray
Offspring 4 year s ago
PRETTY... How can anyone with a brain compare news reporting of a compulsive, pathological liar, who is systematically destroying American values to that of the royal family's newest mother. ????
Undetectable 4 year s ago
Keep in mind, other than the Guardian, these tabloids who's views are represented here, are truly the bottom of the barrel when compared to real newspapers
Something 4 year s ago
PRETTY... How can any one with a brain compare reporting on a compulsive, pathological liar who is systematically destroying American values and society to those of the royal families newest mother.
Keep in mind, other than the Guardian, these tabloids who's views are represented here, are truly the bottom of the barrel when compared to real newspapers. Kind of like Fox news and the soon to be released sister publication "American Sun"
Hybrid 4 year s ago
Until Markle came along, the rags over there savaged Middleton. They just shifted targets.
Bookmark 4 year s ago
Here's the deal though: They don't like her because she is a spoiled American brat, NOT because of racism. It truly is simple to dislike someone due to their sh#tty character - it's not always about the color of someone's skin.

I know - Liberals will tell me again that I am obviously racist to have such a backwards thought.......how could something NOT be racist, right?

F@#k I hate liberals.
Sister 4 year s ago
She’s got to be one strong, thick-skinned woman to put up with this level of baseless demonizing. Having your every move turned into a headline must be exhausting. It’s no wonder they’re leaving the family business. And I’ve seen some incredibly racist comments towards the Duchess. Not just for being American, but of mixed race. It’s shocking in this day and age.
Compilation 4 year s ago
she's a virtue signaling, gold digging typical American woman. no different than a Kardashian
Everybody 4 year s ago
I suppose I understand why Brits tolerate and are fascinated with royalty. I don't get why us Americans are interested in a bunch of inbred pasty wankers whose only claim to superiority is the luck of birthright. Royalty should be abolished worldwide.

"Here's the deal though: They don't like her because she is a spoiled American brat, NOT because of racism. It truly is simple to dislike someone due to their sh#tty character - it's not always about the color of someone's skin.

I know - Liberals will tell me again that I am obviously racist to have such a backwards thought.......how could something NOT be racist, right?

F@#k I hate liberals."

ALL royalty are spoiled brats from birth. Why are you focusing on the only one who is not pasty white??? sounds racist to me! And you hate libs because they call out obvious racism? yup... you are racist!
Complete 4 year s ago
Proof that the U.K is institutionally racist. Well done Harry and Meg for having the courage to leave this outdated, dysfunctional family...and as an added bonus you'll never have to introduce your paedo uncle to your friends at a party.
Cream 4 year s ago
im even too lazy to read all that sh#t.....and ppl keep posting OMFG who cares about rich c#nts? 36

Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014

Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020

Radical Double Standards In How British Media Treated Kate Middleton Vs. Meghan Markle