Order 5 year s ago
#2 Thanks.

We also did a few other things: we rioted and got shot at - and in a few cases killed - until the war was ended and the military draft was abolished. After us, none of you will ever have to spend your 18th birthday registering your name so the government can send you off to war to get yourself killed.

We also abolished segregation. Again, this involved people being killed (more commonly lynched) in order to change the laws. Now, you can go to a restaurant or coffee shop anywhere, anytime, with any of your colored friends. ('colored' was the polite term in those days, I assure you). Before then, you could be physically thrown out in the street, or taken out back and beaten for trying to dine with people of the wrong color.

We made birth control rights happen.

We staged the first public gay rights demonstrations. (btw: the first one was in Philly, not San Fran; NYC, etc. Also not Stonewall. It was in Philly, I believe July 4, of '63 or '65).

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

So next time you hear someone going on about us being the worst generation ever, go to a coffee shop on your 18th birthday with anyone you want, and don't worry about being shot or killed. Then go have some free love with the legal birth control we got you. Then go do something which makes your generation better than ours. We'll wait...
Forbidden 5 year s ago
Order: you are taking a LOT of credit for events that occurred while you happened to be alive.

Also, unwed black mothers in the 1960's was only 25%. Now it's over 70% and climbing. This guarantees millions will be born into poverty and will never escape. You get credit for that, too, right?
wilsflet 5 year s ago
We also keep those pesky kids offa @Order's lawn...
Domestic 5 year s ago
Order tell us what of all these wouldn't have happened if 500.000 people of your generation were never born, boy. Things changed of those who battled to change them not of those who just said ''this is not right''.
Shark 5 year s ago
@order in fact, the chance of being killed are much higher in the US than in any other western country. There is still this stupid gun law, still the declining expectance of life and much more.
Harmless 5 year s ago
Order you are a misinformed douch. My son just turned 18 and had to register for the draft.
Mushroom 5 year s ago
I'm just posting so I could have this avatar! drinks
Jelyyfish 5 year s ago
Order is right you know. but millennials are taking the credit and living it... sounds like somebody else important who does that
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