My granddad and I were rearranging the dining room in their house one day (about 20 yrs ago) and there was a cribbage board that had always hung on the wall in the corner of the room. I asked him if we should move it or anything, and he told me a story about it. Apparently when he was a radar operator in WW2, stationed in Guam, there was a whorehouse that all the NCO’s frequented.
Well one of the whores was an avid cribbage player (he saw a set in her room after a ‘session’ one day). Well they started playing every time he would go there, and they would play best of three to see if he paid her or not. When he found out he was being rotated back to the US, he went and bought her a new set, and she gave him the one they had used. Only thing that was specifically left to me in his will…cuz I’m pretty sure that nobody else knew that story.