Experience 4 year s ago
... seriously? Running 6 boilers, 6 heaters etc. instead of 1, having each room wall as outside wall, not having basement and so on is more energy efficient?
Cream 4 year s ago
Not to mention that what they've basically done is instead of building one large house for everyone, they've broken it down into several smaller units each having their own requirements.
Offer 4 year s ago
could go 1 boiler and pipes under ground to each place but still way inefficiency. and i love how they say the big house only cost 9k. big deal i can roll a used trailer in there for the same price or less and get more space. the house cost isn't the problem its the well and septic that's the big money. show me how to do that for only 9k then i'll be impressed.
salamoon 4 year s ago
the only advantage i can see is they all could bang at the same time and not get caught. good

You wouldn’t expect a full-sized bathtub in a miniature house!

Is a tiny house better for the environment than a regular house? “Tiny houses are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, intentionally live, improve health, and increase income. While it is a very eco-friendly way to live compared to a standard house, it also offers huge benefits in other aspects as well. Many houses use a fraction of energy compared to average homes, plus many are setup for solar power.”

Stephanie suggests starting from your current home. “Taking the plunge into tiny living isn’t for everyone. If you’re considering it, start by working on your current home. A tiny lifestyle can be achieved by anyone, no matter the size of your house. Get rid of excess things, reduce the amount of space you use in your house, learn to be intentional when shopping, and start the mindset shift. It may sound complicated, but it’s really not. If tiny living is for you, these transitions will be smooth and logical. The next step is learning how to get into a tiny house. At Tiny House Community, we offer guides and tips for beginners wanting to build their own tiny house.”


Family Builds Its Own Village Where Every Family Member Has Their Own House