#51... what is the whole story? BFF of b*tchy fat slob screwed up desperate husband? at the end of the day we got welfare b*tch and fatherless children with horny mother f@#king everything what moves?
#60. Rodeos ? What a cruel person she must be. How can anyone treat an animal the way they do in a rodeo. Hopefully karma will strip her skin off, piece by piece.
#77. I hope she is in hospital for some cosmetic surgery, that arse is huge and repulsive.
#51 He can be a traitor, cheater and all you want, but DON'T use the childs. He is theyr father, like you are theyr mother. Don't use the childs as a weapon: this make you a really "bad woman", the worse specie. Because you, in this way, manipolate your childs. F@#k; you act like a ....... Yeah, you understand me
#51... what is the whole story? BFF of b*tchy fat slob screwed up desperate husband? at the end of the day we got welfare b*tch and fatherless children with horny mother f@#king everything what moves?
#60. Rodeos ? What a cruel person she must be. How can anyone treat an animal the way they do in a rodeo. Hopefully karma will strip her skin off, piece by piece.
#77. I hope she is in hospital for some cosmetic surgery, that arse is huge and repulsive.
#51 He can be a traitor, cheater and all you want, but DON'T use the childs. He is theyr father, like you are theyr mother. Don't use the childs as a weapon: this make you a really "bad woman", the worse specie. Because you, in this way, manipolate your childs. F@#k; you act like a ....... Yeah, you understand me
#60. Rodeos ? What a cruel person she must be. How can anyone treat an animal the way they do in a rodeo. Hopefully karma will strip her skin off, piece by piece.
#77. I hope she is in hospital for some cosmetic surgery, that arse is huge and repulsive.