My co-worker has been coming into office because he feels "fine" and shows no symptom. Now my senior manager still want to have all hands meeting where bunch of people (+20) crammed into conference room to discuss telecommuting plan.
Update: Now my a-hole manager wants doctor's note if you are calling in sick. If employees are self quarantining for any suspicious symptoms, last thing you want to do is go outside to get a [frikinn] doctor's note!
#5 the power of effective marketing!
Screw everyone who has marked up stuff, screw you all.
#3 This cupcake drove a 1000 miles to do this? Premeditated morality crisis avoidance? He knew this was reprehensible!
#7 they get it!
#10 worst of all, words cannot describe the depth of the fail. Do we have gulags yet? Same goes for 13-14,21,26
#12 gut wrenching
#19 it’s because the kids eat primarily cereal!
#21 profit of around $330k?
#22 I don’t really see a problem here. Then again how big is the trunk on a Murcielago?
The Lord will lift you up!