
Usually, Sara’s parents try to stay out of the fox’s way. But they still run into each other! “Once, when my dad was bringing in groceries, she popped her head up from her nap and then went about napping. I think she’s relatively familiar with them now and isn’t scared by them being her neighbors!”

Sara knows how well foxes can climb trees and said there’s a garage nearby that the fox might get onto the stump from, but according to the Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust, a non-profit that protects wildlife by permanently preserving and connecting habitat, she might not even need it. Foxes can ascend trees that are straight up, and they will climb ’em to not only escape predators but also to take a nap in a sunny location, and they have been known sleep in hawk and owl nests. It’s rare, but sometimes a fox will also raise their litter twenty or more feet above ground in a hollow tree. They climb trees head first, but have the ability to descend them either tail first or head first.

“I think that she likes the spot because it’s sunny and protected,” Sara said. “She really only can be seen from my parent’s backyard, because she’s protected by the garage in the other yard. It’s a safe place to take a nap after a hunt!”

If You Need Something To Cheer You Up During Quarantine, Here’s A Fox Sleeping On A Tree Stump