Madge 4 year s ago
Mac n cheese is a staple, but those tacos as prepared would be pretty difficult for small children to eat. I don't know who's idea of spaghetti that is, looks more like some kind of oriental noodle dish to me. You want kid friendly: think build your own pizza or chicken nuggets.

These days,  when kids are eating all their meals at home, they are quite difficult to please.

Most children I know won’t go near a bowl of steamed broccoli or Brussels Sprouts. (of course, there are exceptions).


As such, cooking for them can be a burden, especially if it’s the 3rd time in the same day. But it doesn’t have to be that way! My luck turned around when I got my first Instant Pot and learned that you can cook a variety of meals just by pressing a few buttons.

Each pressure cooker you purchase comes with a list of Instant Pot recipes, which makes it easier for beginners. But wait! You don’t have to search your drawers for this list, and anyway we all know you threw it away last summer.


In this post I gathered some quick and tasty dishes I make at home.

All the recipes in this article are adapted to be delicious for children and easy to make for parents.


Have a look and let me know which one worked for your little ones!

#1: Mac and Cheese

While it may not be the healthiest meal in the book, kids love it! And, I think it’s OK to indulge in some cheesy goodness from time to time - it makes life more fun.


At my house, we do Mac and Cheese three or four times a month and the kids go crazy about it. Even more, you can introduce the kids to different kinds of cheese or even slip some tiny pieces of broccoli in the sauce without them noticing. 


I like to use elbow macaroni, but if you have any other pasta in the house, you can replace it. As you can see from the recipe, you only have to cook the pasta in the Instant Pot and then add the cheesy sauce.


Now, you may wonder why don’t I just do the pasta the regular way? Well, the IP is faster and you don’t have to constantly check if it got to the right texture. Just set the time and press start - the pot will take care of the rest. 

6 Kid-friendly dishes [For Busy Parents]