There's no quarantine. There's not even a deadly virus. You (out of primal fear) are all AGREEING to get completely broke, so that YOU can be owned legally (just like the bank already owns your house and car). They're even gonna put a nice QR code on you, like you're just another product. Should be scared of THAT, and not of the media-created 'virus'.
Lula, yep our little village mayor now says, if police catch someone w/o mask they will issue a ticket worth $1000.00, and if you have medical reason for not being able to wear one, well then "take it up with the judge"
Lula, I hope you'll break the quarantine, get ill, and die from it. If only it could wipe stupid peolpe like you out of the planet, this would have not be for nothing.
Duty,what a lovely person you must be to wish death on someone, I only stated what our village mayor was quoted as saying. Really is a shame the internet doesn't allow people such as you to be tracked down and dealt with in a proper manner.
I follow a lot of the medical news going on, and from what I've been hearing and reading, the vents are the ones actually killing most people not the actual virus. Vents are an improper treatment and many know it. Chloroquine tx would have cost less than a buck a dose, but now with remdesivir people are going to pay $1000/does unless Gilead decides to be gregarious which I highly doubt.
There's no quarantine. There's not even a deadly virus. You (out of primal fear) are all AGREEING to get completely broke, so that YOU can be owned legally (just like the bank already owns your house and car). They're even gonna put a nice QR code on you, like you're just another product. Should be scared of THAT, and not of the media-created 'virus'.
Lula, yep our little village mayor now says, if police catch someone w/o mask they will issue a ticket worth $1000.00, and if you have medical reason for not being able to wear one, well then "take it up with the judge"
Lula, I hope you'll break the quarantine, get ill, and die from it. If only it could wipe stupid peolpe like you out of the planet, this would have not be for nothing.
Duty,what a lovely person you must be to wish death on someone, I only stated what our village mayor was quoted as saying. Really is a shame the internet doesn't allow people such as you to be tracked down and dealt with in a proper manner.
I follow a lot of the medical news going on, and from what I've been hearing and reading, the vents are the ones actually killing most people not the actual virus. Vents are an improper treatment and many know it. Chloroquine tx would have cost less than a buck a dose, but now with remdesivir people are going to pay $1000/does unless Gilead decides to be gregarious which I highly doubt.
yep our little village mayor now says, if police catch someone w/o mask they will issue a ticket worth $1000.00, and if you have medical reason for not being able to wear one, well then "take it up with the judge"
I hope you'll break the quarantine, get ill, and die from it.
If only it could wipe stupid peolpe like you out of the planet, this would have not be for nothing.
Yeah, they are locking people up for violating orders, but yet letting dangerous felons out of jail because they want to keep jail numbers down.