Second quarantine project, mountain shelves for my son's big boy room using simple pine board. Almost embarrassingly simply compared to the master pieces on this sub, but I'm proud of how it came out, especially the white cap
"1/4" ply for the front caps cut with a jig saw and then a cheap foam brush for painting the sides. Found it easiest to mark the distance down each side to paint after cutting out the ply caps and then use the foam brush to "push" the paint and make a crisp straight line with the end of the brush. Turned out better then when I tried to paint a straight line by hand while moving the brush side to side."
what a f@#king time to be alive /s
I've got 15% pay cut doing longest hours at sh#ttiest job I've ever done
LOL, didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out....
Lots of great work on these.
#3 Now that is a beautiful improvement.