My Covid-19 and first ever woodworking project. Sofa armrest with integrated wireless charger and usb pass through
"My first ever woodworking project since school... integrated wireless charging and controller/remote holder. Usb passes through to a hub off the back of the sofa. I was fed up with trailing cables and not something stable to put a beer on in the evenings! Stained ebony and multiple coats of wax.
Designed in Microsoft word and made with basic tools.
Made a number of mistakes and lessons learnt, but did all this from my apartment lounge over the course of a week sawdust EVERYWHERE!!
I do have a number of photos that I took in making it that I can link to if anyone is interested."
what a f@#king time to be alive /s
I've got 15% pay cut doing longest hours at sh#ttiest job I've ever done
LOL, didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out....
Lots of great work on these.
#3 Now that is a beautiful improvement.