wish I was quarantined...half of the staff at my job went on govt pay scheme and the rest of us have to do their tasks without any extra pay. Those f@#kers are posting pictures on FB and IG how they are "taking this time to regenerate" while we are sweating our @$$es off to please the bosses
Quarantine project number ?? Been wanting to make this for years and finally had time. Mostly scrap ends left over from other projects. This is how I avoid actual adult responsibilities and keep my sanity
wish I was quarantined...half of the staff at my job went on govt pay scheme and the rest of us have to do their tasks without any extra pay. Those f@#kers are posting pictures on FB and IG how they are "taking this time to regenerate" while we are sweating our @$$es off to please the bosses
what a f@#king time to be alive /s
I've got 15% pay cut doing longest hours at sh#ttiest job I've ever done
LOL, didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out....
Lots of great work on these.
#3 Now that is a beautiful improvement.