If we lived on a flat plane, and GOD was 80 miles tall, we could all see him at the same time, if he stood at the north pole. NASA would have you believe otherwise, that's why an image of a forked tongue over a blue sphere is their emblem, and the serpent is the greatest deceiver. Accept the truth and deny the lie.
This is the Metropolitan area outer underground discharge channel. It will fill with water to protect Tokyo from flooding. The concrete support towers are 18m tall.
If we lived on a flat plane, and GOD was 80 miles tall, we could all see him at the same time, if he stood at the north pole. NASA would have you believe otherwise, that's why an image of a forked tongue over a blue sphere is their emblem, and the serpent is the greatest deceiver. Accept the truth and deny the lie.
I´d prefer a Maine Coon over a Mean Coon..
So, your'e saying NASA contests God's height.
Damn religious nutjob.
Your tinfoil hat is on too tight.
Finally someone tells us the truth!
Well done Lloyd keep spreading the word, you are doing Gods work!
wance = once