Won a doughnut eating contest. In 10 minutes I ate about 17 doughnuts, and seconds before the time was up and I had all my thoughts set on having a hearty cleansing puke a motherf@#ker who wasn’t even taking part yelled that throwing up afterwards should disqualify you. Somebody counted that I took in a few days worth of calories. My appetite came back two days after.
So you know this person and when it happened? I didn't see the poster mention what year it happened.
Sure because you know, most 50-55 year olds come on picture websites and reddit to post about their childhood in the mid to late 70s....
Yes, we do. And they had lead pencils for years after I graduated.
I post here often. I also enjoy video games, good, sex and most everything else you seem to think I'm disqualified from. What is wrong with you?
german: Bleistift (lead-stift)
dutch: Potlood (clay-lead)