Feeling depressed or just thoroughly upset? Have a snack containing the following:
--Dark chocolate (to raise endorphins)
--Blueberries (to raise serotonin)
--Green tea+ (which contains L-theanine that blocks stress receptors in your brain)
--Anything rich in B-vitamins like 5-Hour Energy, VitaminWater, or banana chips (as B-vitamins replenish energy that's sapped when you are depressed)
I've used this custom snack pack to great effect in the past, even coming back from being legitimately suicidal. I've had my mood turn around inside of 2 hours with this. I'm on a daily antidepressant now and am doing much better overall, but sometimes I still need this emotional bandaid fix.
+Hot or cold green tea will work, but for added benefit, holding a warm mug of hot tea sends signals to your brain to help your muscles relax, which you may be subconsciously tensing due to stress.
I, uh, I think you're doing something wrong. I don't know what, but you're doing *SOMETHING* wrong.