Estella, companies have been outsourcing to save money for ages, long before the Clinton administration. However, the US economy was so good during his presidency that reliance on outsourced manufacturing actually decreased.
Assuming you’re a Trumpeteer, why don’t you take a look where all the official Maga garbage and his own fashion line are made.
Eleanor, Oh Please. They're all the same. The last true President was JFK. Certain people didn't like the fact that he thought he was actually in charge. Clinton, hahahahah
Billy Comrade Klinton sold the Chicoms a Cray YMP super computer, which were considered national strategic assets. ChiComs can't innovate, but they can copy well.
#56 - why not just bring over something for her to stand on and pull the seat down...
#6 - plane should never fly that close to the spectators so low; a bird could easily fly up and get sucked into the engine causing the plane to lose control - pilot should be fired for that stunt.
#1 The reason many things are manufactured in China is because they can and will make anything you like. Merchants order the cheapest possible version of something so that they can make the most profit on it. The Chinese will make anything you want whatever the quality. Blame the importers of such garbage first. You have no further to look then your Iphone, your TV and a good portion of the electronics in your car and home to see that the Chinese can make quality stuff if that's what is ordered. You get what you pay for.
#1 and #18 says a lot about craftsmanship and pride in the products we sell to consumers today. Folks, melt down all your gold, collect all your precious gems and jump into a time machine if you want to own anything that might last you more than a couple of years.
#19 Maybe worry about a proto-fascist dictatorship closer to hand, such as Russia under Putin who may well make a move after November's election when Trump refuses to stand down and literal chaos ensues.
If you want your pics to hit our Daily picdump send them at [email protected] or you can send pictures by using this page. The best of the submitted photos will appear in the next series.
Estella, companies have been outsourcing to save money for ages, long before the Clinton administration. However, the US economy was so good during his presidency that reliance on outsourced manufacturing actually decreased.
Assuming you’re a Trumpeteer, why don’t you take a look where all the official Maga garbage and his own fashion line are made.
Eleanor, Oh Please. They're all the same. The last true President was JFK. Certain people didn't like the fact that he thought he was actually in charge. Clinton, hahahahah
Billy Comrade Klinton sold the Chicoms a Cray YMP super computer, which were considered national strategic assets. ChiComs can't innovate, but they can copy well.
#56 - why not just bring over something for her to stand on and pull the seat down...
#6 - plane should never fly that close to the spectators so low; a bird could easily fly up and get sucked into the engine causing the plane to lose control - pilot should be fired for that stunt.
#1 The reason many things are manufactured in China is because they can and will make anything you like. Merchants order the cheapest possible version of something so that they can make the most profit on it. The Chinese will make anything you want whatever the quality. Blame the importers of such garbage first. You have no further to look then your Iphone, your TV and a good portion of the electronics in your car and home to see that the Chinese can make quality stuff if that's what is ordered. You get what you pay for.
#1 and #18 says a lot about craftsmanship and pride in the products we sell to consumers today. Folks, melt down all your gold, collect all your precious gems and jump into a time machine if you want to own anything that might last you more than a couple of years.
#19 Maybe worry about a proto-fascist dictatorship closer to hand, such as Russia under Putin who may well make a move after November's election when Trump refuses to stand down and literal chaos ensues.
Wrong, you can "blame" H.W. Bush.
Assuming you’re a Trumpeteer, why don’t you take a look where all the official Maga garbage and his own fashion line are made.
Nafta. heard of it?
Oh Please. They're all the same. The last true President was JFK. Certain people didn't like the fact that he thought he was actually in charge. Clinton, hahahahah
Wait until Epstein's partner starts talking...Bill was a frequent visitor to Pedo Island
#6 - plane should never fly that close to the spectators so low; a bird could easily fly up and get sucked into the engine causing the plane to lose control - pilot should be fired for that stunt.
You have no further to look then your Iphone, your TV and a good portion of the electronics in your car and home to see that the Chinese can make quality stuff if that's what is ordered. You get what you pay for.
"Watch how I soar"
Never ever with real Plutonium 94 Pu in it. Because a single atom of it can literaly kill you.