#8 - there are plenty of people on the opposite side also... unwilling to try to figure it out on their own - always seeking help. It is better to solve your own problem until you’ve absolutely exhausted all avenues.
#13 - The donor's blood doesn't contain an antigen (which is basically a virus), but rather antibodies against the rhesus positive red blood cells surface proteins. Those antibodies preventing the immunity of the mother against feotal blood. Donors of antibodies containing blood used in the production of Anti-D immunoglobuline are somewhat rare but not that rare. More info here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/rhesus-disease/prevention/. Nevertheless, this doesn't change the fact that a thousand blood donations is a great social achievement !
#8 - there are plenty of people on the opposite side also... unwilling to try to figure it out on their own - always seeking help. It is better to solve your own problem until you’ve absolutely exhausted all avenues.
#13 - The donor's blood doesn't contain an antigen (which is basically a virus), but rather antibodies against the rhesus positive red blood cells surface proteins. Those antibodies preventing the immunity of the mother against feotal blood. Donors of antibodies containing blood used in the production of Anti-D immunoglobuline are somewhat rare but not that rare. More info here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/rhesus-disease/prevention/. Nevertheless, this doesn't change the fact that a thousand blood donations is a great social achievement !