Ant-Man (2015)
"The MCU got a fun jolt of unorthodox humor with 2015’s Ant-Man, starring Paul Rudd. Rudd’s superhero can shrink down to the size of an ant and back. But there’s a rule that he’s told often: His mass doesn’t change. He weighs the same tiny as he did normal. If taken seriously, this would render essential moments, like ants picking a tiny Ant-Man up, impossible. It would also mean he couldn’t sneak around vents — his weight would collapse them instantly. And in Captain America: Civil War, his growing bigger wouldn’t give him super strength."
The cat has spoken.
Ona, started by Cameron himself probably. He belittled her on set by calling her “Kate Weighs A Lot”. Absolute tool.
In the movie it showed Jack trying several times to get on the raft but it kept tipping over