Their use of grammar and different writing styles is checked. If you want to buy a custom essay, that is what you will get. Their writers can produce original pieces.

Free Revisions
All their papers are revised for free. This is because it is the responsibility of the writer to produce a quality paper. So, provide your revision instructions, and they will be submitted to the writer. Still, if you are looking to add pages to your assignment, the standard rate per page will apply.

100% Privacy and Confidentiality Guarantee

If you are looking to buy cheap essays, visit their website. All their work is well-protected buy impenetrable databases. Also, their customer support operates under strict guidelines. None of the work done through their service can be leaked to third parties. Their writers also exercise utmost confidentiality. Failure to do this leads to the expulsion of their accounts.

They Offer Plagiarism Reports

They offer plagiarism checks and reports. So, if you want to check for plagiarism in an assignment you have written, you can visit their website. The contents in your document will be cross-referenced against all online details. Every area you have plagiarized will be highlighted and a percentage provided.


Described above are the services offered by CustomEssayOrder. This is a cheap writing service for high school, college, and PhD scholars. Also, if you are looking for a custom piece, you can get one done by their writers. Their prices are reasonable. Also, they provide free revisions and plagiarism-free assignments.

CustomEssayOrder Review: The Place to Order Cheap Custom Essays