Dyslexia font do not work any better than Arial, actually, students prefer the latter. http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/latest/does-dyslexie-font-help-dyslexic-readers%20 #:~:text=The%20results%20from%20experiment%201,the%20Arial%20font%20over%20Dysle xie.
Carrie, there are mirrors, but the design still keeps you from backing safely. This was always true with the Countach. People loved them. (Panama) But they were one of the worse cars every made.
Dyslexia font do not work any better than Arial, actually, students prefer the latter. http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/latest/does-dyslexie-font-help-dyslexic-readers%20 #:~:text=The%20results%20from%20experiment%201,the%20Arial%20font%20over%20Dysle xie.
Carrie, there are mirrors, but the design still keeps you from backing safely. This was always true with the Countach. People loved them. (Panama) But they were one of the worse cars every made.
#12 It was a sad story
#27 also very sad