"I Tell You One Thing I Really Do Miss Is A Dirty Sausage And Egg Mcmuffin After An Even Dirtier Set Of Night Shifts"
"However, I found my new alternative by getting the Muffin with only Cheese and banging a Hashbrown in the middle God it is the most divine thing your lips have tasted after finishing a night shift and you’re hungry and you’re tired and...
Tip: They tried charging me full whack for the Muffin and Cheese until I questionned it and the manager advised to put it through as dips. Make sure you’re double checking the price when you’re getting Maccies baps without the Meat"
I'm high and hungry, none of that looks edible right now.
Also, what's the hack in #26?
Do you not know this website is from outside the United States. I'm guessing the UK. Certainly the largest group of commenters are from there.