Noel 3 year s ago
I manufacture things in metal for people. At one point a couple of guys came in and wanted to make an order. They made no sense with their order and they kept talking over each other. After 10-15 minutes i told them that they have to decide because ive got lots of work that needs to be done. They started to get angry at me and cursed.
I told them to get the f@#k out.
They called for my boss who came down (he had been looking at the whole thing from a distance).

They complained and my boss turned to me and looked me in the eyes.
He said "I tought you well young Padawan" then turned back to the customers and told them to get the hell out.

“I was bartending one night and these three guys were absolutely hammered so I cut them off. One of the guys proceeded to try to argue with me saying he has all this money and he tells me when he’s done drinking and he’s not even drunk.

At this point, I’m done trying to be polite and point blank tell him I’m done arguing with him, will not be serving him and his buddies, and he can leave. He looks at me and says “now excuse me, who are you to tell me how much I can and can not drink?”, I look him dead in the eye and say “the f@#king bartender, now it’s time for you to go”. The look on his face was priceless.”




You Have Absolutely No Power Here!