K.c. 4 year s ago
#19 - I remember this one from years back. If I recall correctly she placed the coffee in between her legs as she drove. Took a turn faster than normal and the coffee spilled.
Phelia 4 year s ago
K.c., for your reading enjoyment. You remember incorrectly.
Rella 4 year s ago
K.c., the car wasn’t moving, but yes, the coffee was held between her legs. She got 3rd degree burns on her inner thighs and surrounding sensitive areas that required skin grafts. The millions she was awarded were punitive damages (as in to punish) against McDonald’s for knowing the coffee was dangerously hot beyond a reasonable definition, dismissing hundreds of other burned customers, slandering the victim in a smear campaign, and having a policy that literally said they know the temperature will cause 3rd degree burns but that’s ok because we’re saving a few pennies every day. After all that, she was painted as a greedy opportunist that was unjustly lucky in taking advantage of this billion dollar corporation.
These Comebacks Were Brilliant!
