Vicki, #1 ah yes the entitlement workers. please pay me more so i can afford to live excuse. well I'll come add more value to your company and under cut your wage because there are literally 1000s of people who would be happy to take your place.
#3 yep..many times I have seen ladies have a small get together in the aisles of the store, spending hours. #28 as a customer, sometimes if I don't like the fetched item, I turn away and the salesman go bonkers #39 as as customer, believe me, don't assume the discount is there..some lazy bum don't remove the placards for weeks and when you bill & pay the item, you'll get surprise..I got surprised aka fooled many management tactics..
#35 I never undstood that question. Why do they ask it? Also it seems to be an American thing, because I am never asked over here. The machine just reads the card and that's it.
Vicki, #1 ah yes the entitlement workers. please pay me more so i can afford to live excuse. well I'll come add more value to your company and under cut your wage because there are literally 1000s of people who would be happy to take your place.
#3 yep..many times I have seen ladies have a small get together in the aisles of the store, spending hours. #28 as a customer, sometimes if I don't like the fetched item, I turn away and the salesman go bonkers #39 as as customer, believe me, don't assume the discount is there..some lazy bum don't remove the placards for weeks and when you bill & pay the item, you'll get surprise..I got surprised aka fooled many management tactics..
#35 I never undstood that question. Why do they ask it? Also it seems to be an American thing, because I am never asked over here. The machine just reads the card and that's it.
#33 Morons don't have a damned clue what a "BOOMER" even is. Idiot customer called out drive through girl a boomer... She's 26.
#1 ah yes the entitlement workers. please pay me more so i can afford to live excuse.
well I'll come add more value to your company and under cut your wage because there are literally 1000s of people who would be happy to take your place.
#1 You're exactly the type of person that retail people should be getting paid $20 an hour to deal with, you self righteous git. YOU piss off.
First guy that gave me his taking mah libertees speech had that EXACT barb wire tattoo actually LMFAO
#28 as a customer, sometimes if I don't like the fetched item, I turn away and the salesman go bonkers
#39 as as customer, believe me, don't assume the discount is there..some lazy bum don't remove the placards for weeks and when you bill & pay the item, you'll get surprise..I got surprised aka fooled many management tactics..