the big pocket is for hot dogs and the smaller pocket is for a ranch bottle with a straw in it so you dont have to go all the way to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Arabelle, The probability is that he's left-handed (or if not, just a d@#k-head) as reverse clocks and watches were quite popular some years ago. They may still be today, but being "Devil-handed" and making yourself noticeable in a look at me - I'm different kind of way has died down somewhat.
the big pocket is for hot dogs and the smaller pocket is for a ranch bottle with a straw in it so you dont have to go all the way to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Arabelle, The probability is that he's left-handed (or if not, just a d@#k-head) as reverse clocks and watches were quite popular some years ago. They may still be today, but being "Devil-handed" and making yourself noticeable in a look at me - I'm different kind of way has died down somewhat.
the big pocket is for hot dogs and the smaller pocket is for a ranch bottle with a straw in it so you dont have to go all the way to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
both are for vibrators.
The best way to prepare Brussel sprouts, in a pan with butter and salt.
he's trying to be quirky like being too old for that Avatar shirt