Daphne 3 year s ago
even here we get the constant barrage of fear porn concerning the c-19
Dickon 3 year s ago
"Literally this morning, our local paper reported that the government is aiming to achieve full internet coverage throughout Indonesia, reaching even the remote villages by 2024. We had a local meme as our boomer minister said a few years back something in the line of "Why do we need strong internet access?" It took the poor stealing smartphones for the sole purpose of letting their kids attend online classes to convince them. So the answer to the question is: some boomers' view on the value of internet accessability. (sic)"

I'm GenX but I'm so f@#king tired of millennial boomer whining. Learn to spell as well.
Ivy 3 year s ago
#18 I've never used or allowed my children to use public fountains because of the number of times I've seen dogs drinking from them and owners of small dogs washing their @$$es at public fountains. People are gross and inconsiderate of others.
Jennie 3 year s ago
New normal = not normal

"Working in an office, particularly in Japan.

I live in Japan. Going to the office and spending all day here is a deep cultural tradition. So many companies here, even in the early COVID days, flat out publicly said "Hah, no, we will NEVER be doing that 'work from home' thing, sorry. That's laughably naïve."

Then, the country issued a "Declaration of National Urgency" (not an actual Emergency, as that would entitle the govt to be actually accountable to the livelihoods of the people, just a very strong arm public stance and shaming businesses into following suit).

And those traditional Japanese businesses saw what happened to their bottom lines when they no longer had to pay for electricity, heating/AC, cleaning, office equipment and maintenance, subsidized travel expenses to/from work, soft items like coffee and snacks, etc... and so many of them now are singing the praises of a "sensible work from home policy" and planning for even long-term work-from-home options."



"People coming into work sick to show how dedicated to work they are or saving those days for 'mental health days' meant ironically.

No Justin! Don't come over to my desk with your coughing and runny nose telling me how bad you're 'roughing it' at work to get some sympathy. "If you're looking for sympathy, look under the dictionary between s@#t and syphilis"!"


What Will Never Be The Same Even After The Pandemic Is Over