Small little sacs forming on the first floor ceiling below my guest bathroom.
A: The colour, shape and size would lead me to believe that these could actually be root nodules. If you’re on the first floor and these are root nodules, then there’s only one crazy invasive plant that I know is capable of this. Japanese knotweed. If this is indeed Japanese knotweed, it’s already too late
After that you put a sugar cone on the feuerzange and pour something like Stroh 80, a drink with 80% alcohol over it and light it up. Keep pouring the alcohol over the cone while it melts down in the whine. You now have a warm, sweet and strong drink for a nice winter evening. You should watch the movie Feuerzangenbowle while you do all this.
"may be more zebra than horse"
What do you suppose you mean by that?
I think the expression is "If you hear hooves/find hoofprints, it's probably a horse and not a zebra" – similar to Occam's razor: The most probable explanation for something is usually the correct one.
In this case, the less probable explanation appears to be correct, therefore it's "rather a zebra than a horse".
sorry – "the simple explanation", not the most probable one.